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This will keep your pearl jewelry radiantly beautiful for years

Niklas Kentrup
Pearl jewelry is a timeless classic that combines elegance and style. Proper care is essential to ensure that your pearls retain their magical shine even after years. With these tips, you can clean and store your pearl jewelry optimally so that you can enjoy it for a long time to come.
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Why do pearls need special attention?

Pearls are natural products and extremely sensitive to external influences such as moisture, chemicals and scratches. Their unique luster is created by fine layers of mother-of-pearl, which must be treated particularly gently. With the right care, you can ensure the beauty and durability of your pearls.

1. How to clean your pearls properly

Even a gentle cleaning is often enough to make your pearls shine:

  • Use a soft cloth: After wearing the pearls, gently wipe them with a slightly damp, soft cotton cloth. This will remove dirt, sweat and cosmetic residue.

  • Mild soap solution: If the beads are very dirty, you can gently clean them with a mild soap solution. Dip a cloth in the solution and gently wipe the beads. Make sure that the cord does not get soaked.

  • No aggressive cleaning agents: Avoid harsh chemicals as these can damage the delicate surface of the pearls.

  • Air drying: Allow the jewelry to air dry before storing it again.
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2. Proper storage of pearl jewelry

Proper storage is just as important as cleaning:

  • Use individual compartments: Store your jewelry in a soft bag or separate compartments to avoid scratches from other jewelry.
  • No plastic containers: Plastic can trap moisture and affect the shine of the pearls.
  • Protected environment: Store the beads in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture.

3. Regular checks

Check your pearl jewelry regularly for damage, especially the cord on necklaces. To ensure longevity, regular re-threading is recommended.

  • Pearls love attention

    Wear your pearl jewelry regularly! The skin's natural moisture helps maintain its shine. However, make sure to avoid direct contact with perfume, hairspray or makeup, as these products can damage the surface.

  • Our promise at Vallée

    By choosing Vallée, you are not only choosing exquisite pearl jewelry, but also quality that will give you long-lasting pleasure. Each of our pieces of jewelry is manufactured and tested with the greatest care. With these care tips, your jewelry will remain a faithful companion for many years.